
このヘルプについて このヘルプについて
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Web Help Webアクセスヘルプ
ScreenReader Help スクリーンリーダ
Form フォーム
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Definitions 用語
container コンテナ
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Administration サーバの管理
Internet Services インターネットサービス
Customization Tools カスタマイズツール(英語)
Administering OTSW OTSWの管理
OTSW Custodian OTSW Custodian
Using FirstClass ED FirstClass ED(英語)
ホーム • Web Help • Voice • C333

51603_12419_11.png Listening to voice messages
To play the message, click the attachment. Your playback options will depend on the current software configuration of your computer.

51603_12419_11.png Reading fax messages
To open a fax message, click it. The fax pages will be attached to the message.
If you have set your preferences to receive each page as a separate file (PCX), there will be one attachment per page.
If you have set your preferences to receive the entire fax as one file (DCX), there will be one attachment.
To view a fax page, download the attachment.

51603_12419_11.png Dealing with Called, No message notifications
If someone phones but doesn’t leave a message, you will see a Called, No message notification listing the caller's phone number and location.
If you do not want to receive these notifications for all or some callers, change your voice messaging preferences.


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